Systemic Family Constellation workshops are a powerful modality to help you transform a challenge or emotional block you are currently facing. Many of the issues we face, in our personal and professional life, did not start with us but have a related origin within our family lineage. We have all come into this world with an energetic blueprint from our family of origin. This blueprint has an enormous unconscious effect on how we experience the world around us.
If family members have experienced loss, neglect, abuse, incest, depression, financial crises, family separation or health matters, these issues often become entangled in the “soul” of the family. Systemic Family Constellation sessions help participants unravel and clear these entanglements. This powerful therapeutic approach helps create a safe frame for experiential resolutions to family issues, relationship conflicts, career hurdles, financial struggles, intimacy problems and other areas of your life.
How it works:
You can sign up as a “client,” “representative”, or “observer.” It’s very common for people attending a Family Constellation workshop to receive some sort of personal healing for themselves even if they are not presenting their own personal constellation on that particular day.
For a client, a constellation workshop session begins by having the client briefly discuss the present challenge or focus issue. Deanna will ask a couple of clarifying questions in order to gather some additional background information. Once there’s a good understanding of the core issue the client will be asked to identify “representative” individuals attending the workshop to represent certain people in their life. The client will then place them in the workshop space in relationship to each other. Most importantly, the client will choose a person as a representative for “self.”
After the constellation is set up, Deanna will facilitate the constellation process. This involves checking in with the representative’s on the floor, asking questions, and asking participants to make physical proximity movements. During this time, the client is an observer and the “reps” help to reveal certain elements of the family/relationship dynamic. Through this process, hidden or unconscious entanglements will usually begin to surface. The simple recognition of these unresolved issues, from the perspective granted by this work is often the catalyst for shifting out of states of loss, trauma, and grief. Constellation sessions are designed to bring things back into order and balance. This powerful therapy method is capable of creating deep and lasting resolutions.
How to participate in the Workshop:
Receive your own constellation
Stand in for someone else’s constellation